Thursday, June 27, 2013

Hello {sewing} world!

My name is Tory T. Cell and I've recently been bitten by the sewing bug. It was a funny thing. I found myself scouring an enormous amount of online clothing shops, fashion blogs and fashion related tv shows but constantly lamenting not being able to afford the things I saw. In addition it was hard for me to determine whether the prices I saw on clothing were even reasonable. I had no concept of construction quality or the value of the materials used. 

I decided to change all that by learning how to fabricate my own clothing. Mr. Cell very generously bought me my first sewing machine and all the necessary accoutrements for Christmas and I was over the moon! The initial excitement was slightly tempered by the money that quickly slipped away when I began purchasing patterns, fabric, tools and notions. By no means have I amassed a large collection, but I didn't take into consideration the start-up cost of a new hobby especially, one that requires such specialized tools. All that said, I've fallen in love with sewing and I shan't turn back now! 

During my day-life I'm a Ph.D. student working on some interesting science problems and now during my night-life I get to be a fashion designer (!!). It's really all in great fun and I hope to use this space to document my adventures. Full speed ahead!!